Appendix 2– Proposals where objections are upheld in part


1.         Site 2 Military Road and North Salts, Rye (Councillor Keith Glazier)

1.1       The proposal at this location is to implement a permit scheme for the residents of Military Road and North Salts and install new no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction of North Salts and opposite on the west side of Military Road to protect the junction.

1.2       166 objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that the proposed permit scheme does not meet the needs of the residents as multiple resident permits and visitor permits cannot be guaranteed. The proposals will not solve the issue of commuters and residents from other parts of Rye parking in Military Road, but simply push the problem further away. Of these 166 objections, forty-nine made mention of the no waiting at any time restrictions as a whole, with twenty-one on the grounds that they should extend all the way to the town boundary. These objections to the no waiting at any time proposals are of the view that extensive restrictions will increase the speed of vehicles along Military Road. A total of thirty-one items support the introduction of these restrictions. Several comments suggest no waiting at any time along the west side, and concede that there is a need to protect the junction to North Salts.

1.3       The proposal follows requests by residents for permit bays to alleviate the heavy parking in Military Road by commuters, visitors and holiday makers avoiding paying car park charges.

1.4       Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to withdraw the proposed permit scheme but continue with the junction protection markings.

1.5       At the time of writing, Councillor Glazier has not replied to confirm whether he agrees with the recommendation.

1.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, certain objections and to modify the proposal by removing the proposed permit scheme and parking bays, and installing no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction to North Salts and opposite outside no. 14 Military Road.


2.         Site 3 Penland Road and Dorset Road (Councillor Charles Clark)

2.1       The proposal at this location is to install new no waiting at any time restrictions along Dorset Road at its junction with Penland Road.

2.2       One objection has been received from a resident on the grounds that the proposals extend too far, and they wish to have the area in front of their driveway left clear as they feel the access protection marking they currently have is respected. Two items of support were received on this proposal.

2.3       The proposal follows a request from a resident for junction protection markings as vehicles park very close to the junction.

2.4       It is however recognised that the proposals can be modified slightly by reducing it by 11m on the south side of Dorset Road outside no. 138 while maintaining safety at the junction.

2.5       At the time of writing, Councillor Clark has not replied to confirm whether he agrees with the recommendation.

2.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objection and to modify the proposal by reducing the no waiting at any time restriction, ending at the east side of the driveway of no.138.


3.         Site 4 London Road and Sedgewick Road, Bexhill (Councillor Charles Clark)

3.1       The proposal at this location is to install new no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction of London Road and Sedgwick Road, and to formalise an existing Blue Badge Holders Only bay.

3.2       Two objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that the proposals extend too far and remove too many parking spaces.

3.3       The proposal follows a request from a resident for the Blue Badge Holders bay to be formalised and a need to introduce junction protection markings to bring Sedgewick Road in line with the other junctions in London Road.

3.4       It is however recognised that the proposals can be modified slightly so as to not remove too many parking spaces by reducing the proposal by 5m on both sides of Sedgewick Road and by 5m on the south side of London Road.

3.5       At the time of writing, Councillor Clark has not replied to confirm whether he agrees with the recommendation.

3.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by reducing the no waiting at any time restrictions.


4.         Site 5 Whitesand Drive, Badger Way, Baker Way, Linnet Lane and Scotts Acre (Councillor Keith Glazier)

4.1       The proposal at this location is to install new no waiting at any time restrictions along Whitesand Drive at the junctions of Scotts Acre, Badger Way, Baker Way and Linnet Lane.

4.2       Objections have been received from local residents, one on the grounds that the proposals extend too far across their frontage and request this be reduced slightly so that they may park in front of their property (1 Scotts Acre). One objection requests the restrictions extend further along the north side of Whitesand Drive across the entrance to the car port between nos. 40 and 42. Two objections received on the grounds that the proposal does not go far enough and will displace vehicles to the west end of Whitesand Drive, and one objection comments that the proposal is a waste of money. Two items of support were received on this proposal.

4.3       The proposal follows a request from a resident for restrictions to protect junctions especially during weekends and bank holidays at peak tourist times.

4.4       We cannot introduce restrictions that go further than what was advertised, it is however recognised that the proposals can be modified slightly as to allow parking in front of 1 Scotts Acre.

4.5       At the time of writing, Councillor Glazier has not replied to confirm whether he agrees with the recommendation.

4.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by reducing the no waiting at any time restrictions by 5m at the junction to Scotts Acre on the south side.


5.         Site 6 Millfield Rise and Larkhill, Bexhill (Councillor Ian Hollidge)

5.1       The proposal at this location is to install new permit holders only Mon to Sat 8am-6pm bays, no waiting at any time restrictions and permit holders or pay and display Mon to Sat 8am-6pm bays in Millfield Rise, and new permit holders or pay and display Mon to Sat 8am-6pm bays and no waiting at any time restrictions in Larkhill as part of the extension to Zone N.

5.2       Twenty objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that there aren’t currently any issues with parking, by placing no waiting at any time restrictions across driveways will remove too many spaces that residents utilise as they feel their driveways are not fit for purpose, and the proposed bay opposite the junction with Larkhill should be removed to allow larger vehicles to turn safely. Objections received also concerned that the proposed pay and display charges are too low and will only inconvenience residents, and that the bays outside 17 Larkhill should be moved opposite to the east side. Twenty-one items of support were received on this proposal.

5.3       The proposal follows multiple requests from residents to extend permit zone N as many commuters now park here due to displacement.

5.4       We cannot introduce restrictions that go further than what was advertised, it is however recognised that the proposals can be modified slightly as to remove the proposed bay opposite the junction with Larkhill.

5.5       Councillor Hollidge has confirmed his support for the proposal to be implemented.

5.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by removing the proposed bay opposite the junction to Larkhill to allow enough space for large vehicles to turn.


6.         Site 7 Woodville Road, Bexhill (Councillor Ian Hollidge)

6.1       The proposal at this location is to install new permit holders only 8am-6pm bays on the north side, permit holders or time limited 2hrs 8am-6pm bays on the south side and new no waiting at any time restrictions.

6.2       Five objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that the introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions at the east end will affect property values, will remove too many parking spaces, and that the proposals should be for permit holders only on both sides of the road. Eighty-eight items of support were received on the proposals.

6.3       The proposal follows requests from residents for an increased provision for permit parking as part of the extension to Zone W.

6.4       The issues raised by the objections are not considered to merit the withdrawal of the proposals, particularly in light of the significant support received. It is however recognised that the proposals can be modified slightly as to remove the proposed bays outside nos. 11 and 42 as driveway crossovers have been constructed.

6.5       Councillor Hollidge has confirmed his support for the proposal to be implemented.

6.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by removing proposed bays outside nos. 11 and 42.


7.         Site 8 De La Warr Road and Dorset Road, Bexhill (Councillor Ian Hollidge)

7.1       The proposal at this location is to install new no waiting at any time restrictions at the east end of De La Warr Road and the north of Dorset Road at their junctions with King Offa Way.

7.2       Seven objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that they will no longer be able to park outside of their property on Dorset Road, the proposal will increase the speed of traffic at the top of Dorset Road as motorists will have an uninterrupted view when turning left into De La Warr Road, the junction with Manor Road will cause too much vehicle displacement and will create a bottle neck in De La Warr Road. A request was received for further no waiting at any time restrictions on the north side of De La Warr Road to protect their access. Objections also make comments about the cost of living crisis, paying to park and that more restrictions will stop them from visiting the town.  Eight items of support were received on this proposal.

7.3       The proposal follows multiple requests for junction protection markings at these locations, especially at the junction with Manor Road. This a local bus route and buses often have difficulty navigating parked cars on the south side of De La Warr Road between Manor Road and Dorset Road.

7.4       It is however recognised that the proposals can be modified slightly so as to reduce the no waiting at time restriction at the north of Dorset Road by 10m on the west side.

7.5       Councillor Hollidge has confirmed his support for the proposal to be implemented.

7.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by reducing the no waiting at any time restrictions on the west side of Dorset Road to the boundary of nos. 83 and 85.